// Delete WINAPO SQL from Addon-Produkte and insert a new link after Addon-Produkte.
// That way WINAPO SQL looks like big link and is not affected by slideToggle() on Addon-Produkte.
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
if (jQuery("#n-WINAPO-SQL").length > 0) {
var sql_margin_top = jQuery("#n-WINAPO-SQL a").css("margin-top");
var sql_margin_bottom = "calc(" + jQuery("#p-AddOn-Produkte").css("margin-bottom") + " + " + jQuery("#p-AddOn-Produkte div").css("padding-bottom") + ")";
var sql_font_size = jQuery("#n-WINAPO-SQL a").css("font-size");
var sql_padding_left = jQuery("#p-search > h3").css("padding-left");
var sql_line_height = jQuery("#n-WINAPO-SQL a").css("line-height");
var sql_height = jQuery("#n-WINAPO-SQL a").css("height");
jQuery("#p-AddOn-Produkte").css({ "margin-bottom": "0px" });
jQuery("#p-AddOn-Produkte div").css({ "padding-bottom": "0px" });
jQuery("#p-AddOn-Produkte").after("<a href=\"/Kategorie:WINAPO_SQL\" class=\"portlet generated-sidebar\"><h3>WINAPO SQL</h3></a>");
jQuery("#p-AddOn-Produkte + a > h3").css({ "margin-bottom": "0px", "margin-top": "0px", "padding-left": sql_padding_left, "padding-top": "0px", "padding-bottom": "0px", "font-size": sql_font_size, "line-height": sql_line_height, "height": sql_height });
jQuery("#p-AddOn-Produkte + a").css({ "display": "block", "margin-bottom": sql_margin_bottom, "margin-top": sql_margin_top, "padding-top": "0px", "padding-bottom": "0px" });
// Register slideToggle() on each category.